Anesthesiology Billing Services

Paragon’s desire is to help anesthesia groups remain independent. It is highly likely you value the strength of relationships within your practice. There is one especially important fact the billing companies do not understand. For Paragon, it is remarkably simple. We recognize the fact our practitioners work in a “ZERO-DEFECT” environment. The performance bar of demands and expectations is unequaled in any other profession. Paragon was created to pursue excellence and help practitioners thrive through a greater control and understanding of their group’s billing revenue management operation. My personal focus is to develop and manage a “boutique” billing organization which will fully meet the needs and demands of anesthesia provider organizations. Paragon has more than enough “first-hand” experience in what happens in a “big box” billing organization. Our goal is based on leading a billing organization which directly supports the anesthesia group ‘s needs and expectations. For the sake of demonstrating this philosophy, let us call, the organization “10”. This is to say, I will work on and fully support any organization who wishes to build their own billing organization, or who would be willing to join Paragon with no more than “10” other organizations. My philosophy is based on experience. Again, this is to say, if a billing organization chooses to onboard more than “10” tax IDs, they simply CANNOT provide the level of service required to maintain complaint operations and maximize revenue cycle operations. Paragon is ready to empower an organization willing to bring their billing operations in-house, or inversely, join our operation of “10”!!!

My promise is to never outgrow the “10“. Paragon WILL provide FULL SERVICE AND SUPPORT!

There is a definitive difference between a billing service and a billing company – I pledge to you, Paragon WILL PROVIDE a full-service organization, and not a mere billing company. I value service, commitment, and delivery more than anything else. I value the strength of a committed partnership above all else this industry has to offer. My grandparents and parents instilled in me the extreme importance of a handshake and your personal guarantee. I am in this industry to honor their values and memory – Let's build this legacy business together.

Any partnership begins on an understanding of one another. What makes the other person tick? For me, let us use this analogy…

Baseball - If I had to make a choice between how I AFFECT the world, or how I EFFECT the world, I am the person driving the organization with the most dramatic EFFECT! Simply put, anyone, or any organization, can AFFECT the world by swinging the bat. Just like baseball. You can swing, and swing allot, but to what EFFECT?

My goal is to EFFECT this world and swing the bat like Babe Ruth every time I step up to the plate! You see, the home run is the expectation, and that bar is set!!!

Paragon is here to help...

Billing Software Setup

  • Billing software transitions
  • Clearinghouse operations
  • Eligibility Verification


  • Contract review
  • Insurance mapping
  • Payer specific guidelines

Anesthesia Calculations

  • LOD modifers
  • Qualifying Circumstance
  • ASA
  • Time conversion

Fee Schedules

  • Billable Fee Schedules/Charges 
  • Expected Fee Schedules
  • PC, TC, Global review

"After all, it's not what we say - It's what we do - which will have the greatest effect in this world! People will always remember accomplishments over dreams. I was here, and you were with me.

It is the quality of the people you surround yourself with which will leave the greatest footprint in the path to success. Surround yourself with GREAT PEOPLE! Let the results speak for themselves!"

- Madelen "Doc" Fuller – Paragon CEO, Owner